Brief Portfolio


Thanks for taking a moment to visit my website. I am delighted to have assisted over 100 individuals bring their stories to life through the art of book creation. These stories vary from personal memoirs crafted for loved ones to professional endeavors aimed at expanding businesses. Cumulative sales of these books have surpassed 15,000,000 copies..


Our work stretched from Tulsa to Rochester, NY! This book helped give me the platform I needed to consult with organizations all over the world. I continue to share it with clients.

Thank you for spending a month with me in Connecticut. The book helped our hospital and in part helped me to be a regular on The Dr. Oz Show.

I look back fondly on our time in Malibu to write my book. It resulted in getting me on the front burner with the major speaker bureaus, allowing me to live a very comfortable and fulfilling life.

I think of creating a book as an adventure. It should be enjoyable. It can be lifechanging. It can lead to wonderful results.